Independence is a very complex matter. To
what extent do you feel you have a good
handle on the issue? Do you know how to
detect an independence problem?
CPAs weigh in on how to improve CRA’s services
to SMEs
In fall 2018, the CRA held “Serving You
Better” consultations to improve its services
to SMEs. In light of the feedback received
from CPAs, CPA Canada has made several proposals.
Municipal organizations: Main weaknesses
and errors in financial reports
A new document issued by the Ministère des
Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation
(MAMH) on the weaknesses and errors identified
has been posted online and will be updated
annually. Review the document before auditing
financial reports or before filing any such
reports to the MAMH.
2018-2019 accountability of cooperatives:
Avenues for improvement
The Order’s Working group on cooperatives
has compiled a list of weaknesses that network
stakeholders have noted in financial reports.
2018 annual information returns (AIRs) for
Retraite Québec
Retraite Québec has posted the most recent
versions of the annual information returns
for the Simplified Pension Plan and the
Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan. The AIR
for Supplemental Pension Plans will be available
in late March and will have to be filed
online moving forward.