The Order ensures the protection of your personal information
In response to calls some members have received from financial telemarketers claiming they obtained their professional contact information from the Order, the Order wishes to reiterate that it ensures the protection of your personal information and does not share any lists for solicitation purposes without prior consent.
Based on the options you selected in Your file, your consent to receive promotional offers applies only to communications from the following business partners that have negotiated commercial agreements with the Order: TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, Desjardins, The Personal, DECIMAL and Vigilis.
Annual mandatory declaration and dues: A single process in 2016!
The annual member declaration and dues payment will become one in 2016. As of mid-January, you can fulfill both requirements all at once. When you complete your annual declaration, your dues notice will automatically be generated.
One process, one deadline: March 15, 2016.
The Order’s website on a new platform
A responsive display now makes it easier to navigate the Order’s site on tablets and smartphones. Optimized for the latest web browsers, not surprisingly the site is not fully functional on Internet Explorer 8 (or earlier).
Guidance on financial reporting and accountability for the Territories Development Fund, Local Investment Fund and Local Solidarity Fund
The Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire has posted on its website a guidance (in French only) intended for RCMs and cities with the jurisdiction of an RCM regarding the Territories Development Fund, Local Investment Fund and Local Solidarity Fund.
Can auditors use electronic confirmations as audit evidence? The Technical working group on assurance outlines the key elements to consider when answering this question.
Infertility treatment: Changes to list of eligible expenses
Following the passing of Bill 20, Quebec’s Ministère des Finances published changes to the list of expenses eligible for tax assistance for infertility treatment.
Revenu Québec: New appointment service for businesses and their representatives
Businesses and their representatives can now make an appointment with a Revenu Québec representative, under certain circumstances. The new service reduces wait times and offers more personalized assistance.
The Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire (MAMOT) has posted on its website 2 documents on contaminated sites intended for treasurers and secretary-treasurers of municipal organizations and their auditors. The Order’s Working group on municipal governments invites you to read them.
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514 288.3256 1 800 363.4688
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