Estate settlements are complex mandates.
How can notaries and CPAs leverage their
complementary areas of expertise to better
serve their clients?
Morneau reform: Decision time
After a consultation that lasted over 2
months and in which the
accounting profession participated,
Bill Morneau, Canada’s Minister of Finance,
released his decisions on tax reform.
Pay equity: Do you have the right tools?
The Commission des normes, de l’équité,
de la santé et de la sécurité du travail
(CNESST) has several tools, including the
pay equity software package Progiciel
pour réaliser l'équité salariale et en évaluer
le maintien.
AASB survey – Views on the scope of the
revised standard on compilation engagements
Do you sometimes have trouble differentiating
between an “accounting service” and a “compilation
engagement”? Do you think the scope of Section
9200, Compilation Engagements, should be