In today’s digital world, how can you avoid
social media gaffes, even on a private page?
Standardizing tax rates for small and medium-sized
businesses (SMBs)
The small business deduction (SBD) will
be raised progressively until 2021, and
the rate of the additional deduction for
SMBs in the primary and manufacturing sectors
will be reduced gradually until it is abolished
on January 1, 2021.
Replacement of the additional capital cost
allowance of 35%
The additional capital cost allowance of
35% introduced in March 2017 has been replaced
by an additional capital cost allowance
of 60%.
Canada Revenue Agency reverses shareholders’
employment expense reassessments
The CRA is rethinking how it assesses employment
expense claims of shareholder-employees.
New regulation respecting trust accounting
by notaries in effect
The regulation, which came into effect on
January 1, 2018, brings about changes to
the administration of funds or property
of others and the auditor’s mandate. This
fall, the Order will provide an updated
tool to help you perform this type of audit.
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB)
Exposure Draft – Auditor's consent to the
use of the auditor's report in connection
with a designated document