The Order honoured for its exemplary governance

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Montreal, March 30, 2016 – The Quebec CPA Order is very proud to have been honoured yesterday during the second edition of the Grande soirée de la gouvernance. The Order was recognized in the Transformation de la gouvernance category for adopting best practices in governance.

Organized by Les Affaires in collaboration with the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés, the Institute of Corporate Directors and the Institute for Governance of Private and Public Organizations, the event recognizes ethics and excellence in governance, and highlights boards of directors that have taken significant actions in this area. 

Referring to the merger of the three professional accounting bodies in 2012, the Chair of the Order,     Alain Dugal, FCPA, FCA, underscored that unification alone is not what led to changes in the accounting profession’s governance. “The most significant changes involved the processes and controls over the board’s activities we implemented post-unification. Our goal was to identify best practices, regardless of where they came from, and adapt them to the Order,” said Mr. Dugal.

According to Mr. Dugal, the key to an organization’s success is not its strategic plan, but how that plan is executed. Therefore, the Order developed a scorecard to help management and the board monitor the implementation of its strategic directions.

“In an organization like ours, governance is embodied by dedicated men and women who are committed to combining their strengths to represent the profession’s best interests. This is timely recognition for all those who contributed to making the accounting profession’s governance practices among the best and possibly serve as an example for other organizations,” added Mr. Dugal.

About the Quebec CPA Order
The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec has 38,000 members and 5,600 future CPAs, making it the third largest professional order in Quebec. The Order ensures the protection of the public and the visibility of the profession. It represents all areas of expertise of the accounting profession, including assurance, financial accounting, management and management accounting, finance and taxation.

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Jean-Louis Laplante
Manager, Public Affairs
Quebec CPA Order
T. 514 288.3256 [3024]  1 800 363.4688

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