An inspirational evening with former First Lady
Michelle Obama
On February 5, the Order was proud to present the
conference hosted by the Chamber of Commerce of
Metropolitan Montreal. During the event, former
First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama captivated
a crowd of more than 10,000 people.
Capsules Prodigieusement
Attachantes: CPA Pierre-Yves
McSween featured in a series of video clips
McSween not only hosts the show L’indice Mc$ween
on Télé-Québec, but he also stars in exclusive video
clips (in French only) posted weekly on our website.
Tune in to hear him talk business and accounting
in his unique terms.
CPA Foundation: 2 ways of promoting academic persistence
without breaking the bank
Did you know that you can use your VISA Desjardins
BONUSDOLLARS to make a donation to the Foundation?
What’s more, this type of donation is also eligible
for a tax receipt.
If it’s true that it takes pennies to make dollars,
it’s also true that a few dollars per month can
change lives! Reduce the impact on your budget by
spreading out your donation over 12 months.
Do you have your copy of Réduisez vos impôts?
Save 20% on the à la carte price for this
personal income tax guide (in French only) until
March 16, 2018. |
More than 30 interviews and conferences available
Lasting under 2 hours each, our interviews
with experts and webinar and symposium recordings
are just the thing for CPAs with a busy schedule. |
Colloque des CPA du secteur public et parapublic
The symposium for CPAs in the public and parapublic
sector (in French only) will feature such topics
as the 7 habits of highly effective people, IT issues,
an update on public sector standards, public management,
and the performance and role of governments in the
daily lives of Canadians.
New training sessions added
Tremblant: Make the most of winter season with SkiMax
Don’t delay! You have until tomorrow to save nearly
35% on lift tickets during the SkiMax flash sale
from February 6 to 9, 2018.
Make your precious documents last and stand out
with Mégrafo
Whether it’s your permit to practice or your diplomas,
keep your documents from deteriorating. Mégrafo
offers you a 10% discount on its reproduction on
metal service.
Lunch conference | L'intelligence artificielle :
quel sera l'impact sur la main-d'oeuvre financière? |
February 21 | Montreal
Geneviève Mottard, President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Order, will serve as moderator of
a panel of experts who will discuss the impact of
artificial intelligence on the financial workforce
during this event organized by the Association of
Quebec Women in Finance. CPAs and future CPAs benefit
from a preferenital rate when purchasing tickets
for this event.
Forum économique de la relève d’affaires 2018 |
Le Québec : plaque tournante des technologies
émergentes – Défis et opportunités | March
2 | Montreal
Order sponsorship
The Order is a partner of a forum on the challenges
and opportunities facing Quebec as it emerges as
a technology hub. CPAs and future CPAs can take
advantage of a preferential rate for this event
organized by the Regroupement des jeunes chambres
de commerce du Québec.