Report to be issued under the new Agreement relating to the consignment, the recuperation and the recycling of non-refillable beer and soft drink container

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RECYC-QUÉBEC has entered into a new agreement with the brewing industry relating to the consignment, the recuperation and the recycling of non-refillable beer and soft drink containers (the Agreement), and developed new guidance and an engagement report for practitioners. The documents were prepared jointly with the Order’s Technical working group on assurance reports.

We encourage you to read the new guidance and engagement report to be issued in order to avoid making errors in the brewers’ annual reports. Note that the classification of containers under the Act respecting the sale and distribution of beer and soft drinks in non-returnable containers and Beer and Soft Drinks Distributors’ Permits Regulation under the Act respecting the sale and distribution of beer and soft drinks in non-returnable containers is a particular issue that needs to be considered in this type of engagement.

See full details > (in Frenche Only)