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Contact us

Contact directly the team you are looking for >

Our contact information

5, Place Ville Marie, bureau 800
Montréal (Québec)  H3B 2G2
T. 514 288-3256  1 800 363-4688  F. 514 843-8375

OUR business hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Please note that our services are only provided remotely on Fridays


Quickly find who to contact, based on what you need.

Would you like to meet a member of our team at our offices to ask your questions or discuss your file? Make an appointment by contacting the team concerned to schedule this meeting.

For members

Ces renseignements sont accessibles uniquement en français

For candidates and students

Ces renseignements sont accessibles uniquement en français.

For members of the public

CPA search
Whether you are looking for a CPA to guide or support you in achieving success, or you simply wish to confirm that someone is authorized to practise the CPA profession, visit the section Find a CPA.
Disciplinary decision
To find a disciplinary decision, visit the website of the Société québécoise d'information juridique (SOQUIJ).
Complaint about a CPA, report of illegal practice of the profession and records
Lodge a complaint about a CPA

To request an inquiry (i.e. lodge a complaint) from the syndic, report behaviour by a member that is derogatory to the profession, request a professional fee conciliation or obtain all other information, fill out the online form or contact the syndic:
T. 514 288-3256 [5049]   1 800 363-4688  F. 514 687-7368

Illegal practice of the profession and unauthorized use of the designation

For all questions about illegal practice of the profession and unauthorized use of the designation, contact us at exerciceillegal@cpaquebec.ca.

If you have any questions about the Disciplinary council, the Review committee and the Council for the arbitration of accounts, contact us at:
T. 514 288-3256 [2617]  1 800 363-4688

Request access to information and ethics reference service

Request access to information
You must send a written request to the access officer at affairesjuridiques@cpaquebec.ca. If your request concerns a disciplinary case, contact the syndic by writing to syndic@cpaquebec.ca.

Ethics reference service
For all questions about ethics, fill out the online form or contact the syndic:
T. 514 288-3256 [5049]   1 800 363-4688  F. 514 687 7368 

Partnerships and sponsorships

Partnering with the Order
Would you like to partner with the Order? Visit the Devenir partenaire de l'Ordre section (in French only) to discover the different possibilities.

Sponsorship requests
The Order and its regional groups receive regular requests from various organizations to partner with them as their sponsor. Sponsorships are awarded in accordance with the Ligne directrice sur l’octroi de commandites de la part de l’Ordre et des regroupements régionaux (in French only). 

To request a sponsorship from the Order or a regional group, please fill out the request form.

Hiring CPAs and recruiting future CPAs
Draw the attention of nearly 46,000 CPAs and future CPAs to positions in your organization by posting them on Emploi CPA, our online recruitment site.

Also consult our website for all the information on hosting interns in your company, supporting future CPAs and mentoring.
Careers at the CPA Order
Consult the vacant positions at the Order or apply.
Comment on the Order’s role or positions
To make a comment or suggestion on the Order’s role or positions it has expressed, write to the Order’s Public Affairs Department at affairespubliques@cpaquebec.ca.

For journalists

Media relations
For all requests, contact the Order’s Institutional and Societal Communications Department:
T. 514 288-3256 [2537] 1 800 363-4688



If you have comments or suggestions to make about the quality of services received from the Order or if you would like to bring to our attention a situation you feel is unusual, write to us at commentaires@cpaquebec.ca