How to become a CPA

Steps to becoming a CPA
Do you want to launch your career in the business world, but aren’t sure how to obtain the CPA designation?
Learn more about the education program, practical experience and examination >
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Academic prerequisites
13 universities offer the prerequisite undergraduate program for admission to the Order or the qualifying courses for paths by equivalence of an undergraduate degree.

Registration with the order
Are you ready to become a candidate for the practice of the CPA profession? Do you have all the required documents on hand?

CPA auditor designation
Do you want to become a CPA auditor and be authorized to sign audit or review engagement reports?

Fee schedule and administrative procedures
To properly plan your path, find out the fees associated with each step (admission, annual dues, education program, examination, practical experience and permit application), as well as the administrative procedures and harmonized policies.

Knowledge of French
In Quebec, knowledge of French appropriate to the practice of the profession is required to be a member of the Order.

Deregistrations and reinstatements
Do you wish to deregister with the Order and surrender the status of candidate?
Were you a candidate in the past and now wish to resume your path to the CPA designation?