Pre-approved practical experience program directory

Many accounting firms and some large organizations have established a pre-approved practical experience program with the Order where the trainees’ tasks are reviewed prior to their arrival. A training principal, a CPA member, is responsible for assigning candidates into the pre-approved tasks of the program.

To assist you in your job search, the Order has put together a pre-approved practical experience program directory. Remember that you can do a period of practical experience in any organization in Canada, whether or not it has a pre-approved program.

Note: : If you wish to obtain a CPA auditor permit and the firm you are looking for is not listed in the directory, write to

In addition to the directory, see the offers on the Emploi CPA.

Search criteria
Advanced search Simplified search

Training environment

Designation sought


Number of employers by region
Abitibi-Temiscamingue 17
All regions 0
Bas-Saint-Laurent 21
Capitale-Nationale 40
Central Quebec 12
Chaudière-Appalaches 24
Côte-Nord 7
Estrie 25
Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine 8
Lanaudière 19
Laurentians 23
Laval 22
Mauricie 20
Montérégie 70
Montreal 64
Northern Quebec 2
Outaouais 9
Saguenay - Lac-Saint-Jean 19
Number of employers by type of practical experience
Firm – CPA designation 0
Firm – CPA auditor designation 328
Firm – CPA and CPA auditor designations 53
Business – CPA designation 21