Access to information

As a professional order, the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec is subject to the provisions of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information ("the Act"), the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, the sections of the Professional Code and the Civil Code of Quebec governing similar matters. Quebec’s professional orders are subject to the Act respecting access as part of their activities relating to the supervision of the practice of the profession.

Accordingly, a number of documents related to the supervision of the practice of the profession are already available on the Order’s website, including the annual report, disciplinary decisions and the Disciplinary Council’s Roll of hearings.

If you would like to access documents on the supervision of the practice of the profession that are not already posted on our website or any other document, you must send your request in writing to Anne Lemire, director of legal affairs and access officer at

If you would like to access documents or information that the syndic obtains or holds, you must send your request in writing to Josée Mélançon, CPA, syndique at

A written acknowledgment of receipt will be issued for access requests sent to the access officer or the syndic. 

In order for us to process your request and send you the documents that may be accessed under the Act, we require the following: the name of the document you would like to access and your complete contact information, including your email address (the access officer or the syndic may have to contact you for more information regarding your request).