News and publications

In this section, you will find all of the Order’s information and publications: news, CPA Newsletter and CPA Plus archives, briefs, media releases and much more. You will also find in this section the name of CPAs who received a distinction, were appointed to a new position, or were mentioned in the media. Do you have news to announce? Contact us by email at

* The news we receive about members are published in the language in which they were communicated to us.
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Distinction • Louise Demers, CPA auditrice, CA, et François Filiatrault, CPA, CA

Louise Demers, CPA auditrice, CA, et François Filiatrault, CPA, CA, sont membres de l’équipe de préparation du document budgétaire pour l’année financière 2017-2018 de Polytechnique Montréal qui a reçu le Distinguished Budget Presentation Award de la Government Finance Officers Association et une mention honorable de l’Association canadienne du personnel administratif universitaire. Source : Polytechnique Montréal

Member news