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CPA Student Congress - A successful 4th edition!

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Montreal, March 14, 2016 – Close to 200 students from 13 universities gathered at Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations in Wendake on March 11 and 12 for the fourth annual CPA Student Congress. This year’s congress was organized by students from Université Laval, with support from the Quebec CPA Order.


Featuring conferences and educational activities related to the field of accounting, the annual congress provides a unique opportunity for participating students to share their knowledge with fellow students from across Quebec. The congress also recognizes CPA student committees for their achievements during the past the year.

“The CPA Student Congress fosters the next generation’s sense of belonging to the profession, and gives students an opportunity to apply concepts acquired in their education program in a fun environment,” said Geneviève Mottard, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Order. “The Order is proud to support this activity.”

The Order would like to congratulate the students and CPA student committees honoured during the congress:

Committee of the year

1st place: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi CPA Student Committee
2nd place: HEC Montréal CPA Student Committee
3rd place: ESG UQAM CPA Student Committee

Activity of the year

1st place: McGill University CPA Student Committee for “CPA Conference 2016”
2nd place: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières CPA Student Committee for “C’est parti! Action : les PROS des jeux video”
3rd place: ESG UQAM CPA Student Committee for “L'art d'être CPA”

Student of the year

Winner: Joannie Villeneuve, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi CPA Student Committee
Honourable mention: Simon Hupé, Université du Québec à Rimouski CPA Student Committee

Case business 

In January, the Order also held its interuniversity business case-solving contest, reserved for undergraduate students who have completed at least 30 university credits. Working in teams of three, participants were given the mandate to solve a business case related to the practice of public accountancy.

The CPA Student Congress was the perfect forum to recognize the exceptional performance of the three winning teams, who shared a total of $3,600 in prizes courtesy of Desjardins, The Personal and TD Insurance Meloche Monnex.

1st place - $1,500: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

• Tommy Bédard
• Roxanne Gagnon
• Mathieu Giroux

2nd place - $1,200: HEC Montréal

• Mihai Ciorba
• Gabriel Paradis
• Juan-Roger Saulce

3rd place - $900: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

• Nina-Carla Boivin
• Marilyn Coté-Fortin
• Andrée-Anne Martel

Three teams also received an honourable mention and shared a total of $1,800 in prizes:

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

• Antoine Bergeron
• Hedi Meddeb
• Marika Privé

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Longueuil campus

• Maxime Bernard
• Joanie Larose-Pace
• Andy Ng

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Longueuil campus

• Léa Audet-Labonté
• Alexandre Beaulé
• Gabrielle Lévesque

Organizers of the 2016 CPA Student Congress wish to thank the partners who helped make the event a success. Thanks to Desjardins, The Personal, TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, Norampac/Cascades, the Young CPAs of Montreal, the Auditor General of Quebec, Richter, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton and the Association des participants à la maîtrise en administration de l’Université Laval (APMAL). Through their support, these partners are fostering the development of the next generation.

About the Quebec CPA Order
The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec has 38,000 members and 5,600 future CPAs, making it the third largest professional order in Quebec. The Order ensures the protection of the public and the visibility of the profession. It represents all areas of expertise of the accounting profession, including assurance, financial accounting, management and management accounting, finance and taxation.

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Jean-Louis Laplante
Manager, Public Affairs
Quebec CPA Order
T. 514 288.3256 [3024]  1 800 363.4688

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