News and publications

In this section, you will find all of the Order’s information and publications: news, CPA Newsletter and CPA Plus archives, briefs, media releases and much more. You will also find in this section the name of CPAs who received a distinction, were appointed to a new position, or were mentioned in the media. Do you have news to announce? Contact us by email at

* The news we receive about members are published in the language in which they were communicated to us.
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Distinction • Emilio Imbriglio, FCPA auditeur, FCA

Emilio B. Imbriglio, FCPA auditeur, FCA, président et chef de la direction de Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, a reçu le titre de Grand Ambassadeur de la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada au cours du dernier gala annuel Premio Venezia. Source : Les Affaires

Member news

Comments submitted to the Committee on Institutions as part of the special consultations on Bill 107

The Quebec CPA Order has submitted to the Committee on Institutions its comments on Bill 107 — An Act to increase the jurisdiction and independence of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner and the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes and expand the power of the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions to grant certain benefits to cooperating witnesses. While it recognizes the importance of such a Bill, the Order believes that the proposed powers of the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DCPP) to unilaterally withdraw a disciplinary complaint lodged against a cooperating witness do not take into account the purpose of the professional system in Quebec, which is the protection of the public (in French only).
