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Electronic signatures and document sharing: Your options in the time of COVID-19

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In this time where teleworking has become the norm, CPAs need to rely on digital solutions to transmit documents and obtain signatures (take for instance tax returns and engagement letters). Have you assessed how these practice changes will impact your work? Are you ready to go digital?
Some messaging service providers can limit the size of documents exchanged via email, and uncrypted email messages and attachments are not confidential by default. With this in mind, it is therefore critical to use a secure delivery platform to send larger files and maintain the confidentiality of your messages.

Below are several tools to help you go digital:

  • The CPA guide on best practices in IT use highlights some of the security issues related to the daily use of information technology (IT) and presents best practices for managing such use, taking into account the ethical and regulatory obligations of CPAs.
  • A cloud-based service offer negotiated just for you: The Order, the Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires have teamed up to evaluate market offerings and present their members with turnkey cloud-based solutions that ensure information security. Services include secure file storage and sharing.

  • Electronic signature service: The Order has received numerous queries in the past few weeks regarding this type of service. Many solutions exist on the market. For instance, the Chambre des notaires has selected Notarius’ ConsignO Cloud digital signature solution. Since the Order has not formally tested any of these products, we do not endorse any particular solution. You are responsible for performing the necessary tests to make sure the solution is compatible with your existing IT systems, maintains the security and confidentiality of your exchanges, and is appropriate for you.

Share your good practices

Have you implemented innovative digital solutions and processes? We encourage you to share them with your CPA colleagues on the Order’s LinkedIn group and on your regional group’s Facebook page.