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Financial Literacy Month 2023

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practicing financial self-care leads to financial wellness in retirement

Montreal, October 25, 2023 – The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés (CPA) du Québec is celebrating Financial Literacy Month in November with a new information kit for seniors, retirees, soon-to-be retirees, and their loved ones.

Retirement is an important period in the lives of Quebecers, who want to make the most of this time after contributing to our collective wealth through their hard work in the labour market. Nevertheless, many factors can impact their financial situation during this important stage of life: poor financial planning, fraud and financial abuse.

Some worrying data corroborate this: Knowledge of Canadian and Quebec retirement income systems is stagnating in the active population (36.6%)1, one out of every ten Canadian seniors is directly affected by fraud2, and cases of elder abuse are being reported much more frequently in Quebec3.

A free online financial self-care kit

To help seniors, their loved ones and those preparing for retirement make better financial decisions, the Order has created an information kit that includes webinars on managing personal finances and preventing fraud, links to useful documents, a questionnaire that deepens their knowledge of financial health, and more.

“CPAs can play a decisive role in teaching Quebecers about money. At the Order, we are taking the lead on a number of issues affecting seniors' financial health, especially when it comes to preventing, detecting and reporting material and financial abuse. We created this kit because we are convinced that everyone, regardless of their age, can keep learning about and improving their finances," says Geneviève Mottard, CPA, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Order.

Discover our information kit >


About the Quebec CPA Order

The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec has 41,000 members and 5,000 future CPAs, making it the third largest professional order in Quebec. The Order ensures the protection of the public and the visibility of the profession. It represents all areas of expertise of the accounting profession, including financial reporting, management accounting, strategy and governance, audit and assurance, finance and taxation.


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For information

Maude Bujeault-Bolduc
Director, Corporate and Social Communications
Ordre des CPA du Québec

Follow the CPA Order on social media!



1 https://www.hec.ca/nouvelles/2023/indice-ire-2023-la-connaissance-du-systeme-de-revenu-de-retraite-stagne.html
2 https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2022/06/15/trois-types-de-fraudes-dont-les-aines-sont-souvent-victimes
3 https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/sante/2023-10-19/personnes-agees-ou-handicapees/les-plaintes-pour-maltraitance-explosent-de-120-en-un-an.php