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Estate settlement: The complementary roles of notaries and CPAs

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The syndic’s column

Many notaries handle estate settlements. But the nature and complexity of estate mandates sometimes require the expertise of chartered professional accountants. In estate matters, CPAs and notaries definitely complement each other. As a result, their different approaches and skills improve the services clients receive.

Thanks to their legal expertise, notaries can inform liquidators of the extent of their rights and responsibilities, as well as advise them on the legalities of the estate, under the law and the will. 

For their part, CPAs analyze the tax and financial implications of distributing the deceased’s property. They can also advise liquidators and heirs on certain issues. Liquidators can then settle the estate with a good understanding of all that it entails. 

While the complementary practice of these professions can be part of a business vision that benefits the professionals themselves, the primary goal is to assist and protect the client. Professionals committed to providing comprehensive, quality services should therefore consider building a strong network of partners and experts who are able to help them meet their clients’ expectations. 

In any case, always bear in mind the limits of your skills in your own areas of expertise.