The CPA Order applauds the government's swift response to address Quebec's urgent economic situation
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Montreal, June 13, 2014 – The Quebec CPA Order would like to acknowledge the importance of the Quebec government’s recent announcements to review its programs and tax system. For several years now, the Order had been recommending that specific and concrete actions be undertaken and we are very pleased that our voice has finally been heard. According to Stephan Robitaille, FCPA, FCGA, Chair of the Order, “now more than ever, Quebec’s economic environment needs a major overhaul, and the government can count on the Order and the competencies of its members to accomplish this colossal yet necessary task.”
Program reviews
The creation of the Ongoing Program Review Committee chaired by Lucienne Robillard will help identify areas where savings will be possible and therefore reduce the structural deficit that is holding back Quebec’s development. While the Order was surprised that no chartered professional accountant was appointed to the commission, we are convinced that the Minister responsible for Government Administration and Ongoing Program Review, Martin Coiteux, will have the wisdom to ensure that the commissioners are supported by a team of CPAs so that they can take advantage of their expertise in optimizing the performance, profit and growth of personal, business or organizational wealth.
Quebec fiscal review
Successive additions of new tax measures affecting various categories of taxpayers and industries have resulted in a cumbersome and often ineffective tax system. For the Order, questioning the relevance of a number of these measures without bias or exclusion is a priority. This is why the Order enthusiastically welcomed the creation of the Québec Taxation Review Committee announced yesterday by Carlos Leitão, Minister of Finance. The Order is also delighted with the appointment of Jean-Pierre Vidal, CPA, CA, professor of taxation at HEC Montréal, and Luc Villeneuve, FCPA, FCA, President of Deloitte – Québec, as members of the commission. Their competencies as chartered professional accountants will serve Quebec well.
Daniel McMahon, FCPA, FCA, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Order, concluded by stating that “the entire debate launched by the government must also provide us with a long-term vision of the image we want to give to the Quebec of tomorrow through fiscal consolidation. The future of public services and our social security systems depend on it.”
About the Ordre des CPA du Québec
The Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec has over 36,000 members and 7,000 future CPAs. The Order ensures the protection of the public and the visibility of the profession. It represents all areas of expertise of the accounting profession, including assurance, financial accounting, management and management accounting, finance and taxation.
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Cédrick Beauregard
Manager, Public Affairs
Ordre des CPA du Québec
T. 514 288.3256 [3024] 1 800 363.4688
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