CPA Foundation

The Foundation’s pledge to the CPA profession is to encourage students
to stay in school and promote academic excellence.

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Your support, the wind beneath their wings

Choose to help underprivileged youth stay in school and make their way toward the CPA designation.
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Did you know that...

Since its creation, the Foundation has awarded nearly $4.4 million in scholarships, awards and grants to 2,670 students across Quebec, and CPA researchers, thanks to the generosity of thousands of CPAs, firms and businesses.

View the list of people supported by the Foundation >

To thank its donors for their tremendous generosity, the Foundation created two recognition programs which highlight the extent of their commitment.

See the list of donors >

Learn more about the recognition programs >

Scholarships – Calls for applications in progress

A word from our scholarship recipients

Jérémy Picard

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Undergraduate scholarship

All credit to you, generous donors!

“In all my efforts to do volunteer work, maintain academic excellence and mentor young people, I often lose sight of why I am spending so much time on these activities. Your recognition has allowed me to see these investments in a different light and realize that we do some things out of passion, but also to help others advance. Thank you for your unfailing belief in us; I hope I can live up to your generosity!”

Élisabeth Cormier

FSA – Université Laval
Assistance towards success scholarship

Helping students build their future and the career of their dreams

I had to leave home at 17 so that I could study in a field I am passionate about, which is why your gesture is so inspiring to me. It shows me that even when the going gets tough, it is important to keep going. With the CFE right around the corner, thanks to you, I can take another step towards my goal.

I hope to use my sustainable development profile to provide personalized service to clients, such as by helping them work more sustainably, for example. Environmental problems require urgent attention and I believe that my knowledge in this field will set me apart in my career.

I hope to make you proud of helping students like me!

Bleona Alloushi

Cégep André-Laurendeau
Admission scholarships towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

Feeling proud and grateful

My goal from the moment I enrolled in accounting was to become an accountant and obtain the CPA designation. Thanks to the generosity of donors, many motivated students like me receive a scholarship that helps them cover some of the costs of their university studies, such as tuition and books.

Receiving a scholarship from the CPA Foundation makes me feel proud, because I can meet some of my needs and help my parents fund my university studies. I am also grateful to the donors for their support and I view this scholarship as encouragement to succeed in my studies.

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