Use your leadership, creativity and drive to help future CPAs by organizing a benefit event whose proceeds will go to the Foundation. In doing so, you will not only help underprivileged youth follow in your footsteps by taking the path toward the CPA designation, but also have fun organizing an event with your colleagues and friends!
- Happy hour, conference
- Brunch, barbecue, cocktail, dinner, corn roast
- Ball, dance party, fashion show, thematic event
- Concert, show, cultural event
- Sports event or tournament (golf, biking, skiing, marathon, bowling or other)
- Auction (silent or live)
- Sale of cakes and pastries
- Jeans day at the office
- Car wash
Want to organize and hold your own benefit event? Follow these 5 steps to make sure you don't forget anything:
1. Submit your idea
Tell us about your event by filling out the
Organizing a benefit event for future CPAs form.
2. Plan carefully
Whatever type of event you choose, it must be carefully planned if you want it to be a success. Form an organizing committee by choosing enthusiastic people. Hold brainstorming meetings to carefully choose your target audience, select an appropriate date and site for your event, set your fundraising goal, plan your budget and orchestrate event promotional efforts.
3. Collect funds
Closely monitor registrations, ticket or item sales, and payments. If tax receipts need to be prepared by the Foundation, remember to record the donor’s name, full address, payment method and eligible amount of the contribution or donation. Important: Tax receipts are subject to specific terms and conditions. Check with the Foundation’s staff before making commitments to event participants. Sponsorships are ineligible for a tax receipt for charitable donations.
4. Pay the funds
Prepare your financial report to determine your event’s net revenue. Pay the raised funds to the Foundation no later than 45 days after the date of the event.
5. Thank everyone
Thanking participants, sponsors and volunteers for their support is essential to the success of the benefit event. Take the time to thank them by expressing your gratitude to them and, most importantly, inform them of the amount of funds that were raised.
Contact our team by calling 514 288-3256, ext. 2604 or 1 800 363-4688 or writing to