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Partners' Circle

Bandeau des partenaires

Education is one of the best investments that can be made considering that society as a whole reaps the benefits of it. That is why contributing to the future of the CPA profession and supporting the next generation are so meaningful.

The Foundation thanks its partners who participate in the Foundation's various scholarship programs and thus support students who will become important agents of change in tomorrow's business world.

Thanks to our partners associated with a scholarship 2023-2024! Find out who the scholarship recipients are > 






Going back to school helped me find my way

  • Laurie Gervais-Laliberté 
Accounting is a field that really inspires me! That is why I am so determined and dedicated to pursuing this path, which, it must be said, is quite demanding personally, emotionally and financially. I have dedicated myself to successfully overcoming this real challenge. In fact, receiving this scholarship makes me really proud of how far I have come and of the sacrifices I have had to make. I want to sincerely thank you for supporting students who show perseverance in their efforts to obtain the CPA designation.
Laurie Gervais-Laliberté
Assistance towards success scholarship