


Behind every dollar donated to the Foundation is a success story, a changed life, a flourishing career. Thanks to the unbelievable generosity of donors and partner organizations, as well as to devoted educators, every year, hundreds of young people are able to get closer to their ultimate goal: become a CPA.

Testimonials from donors
Find out what motivates some donors to show such extraordinary generosity to the next generation.

Paying it forward

  • Louis-Philippe Carrière, FCPA 
The Chartered Professional Accountant designation has opened many doors for me in my career. To me, the CPA profession is the most wonderful profession of all, as the training we receive allows us to work in many different business-related fields.
Throughout my career, and more specifically at the organization where I have spent my entire career, I have given a lot of time to the next generation, such as by helping younger professionals advance and grow in many different sectors. I have always been well surrounded and supported by CPAs in this organization, and we worked as a team to overcome numerous challenges.
I understand why scholarships are so important, because I also received some during my time at university. If my support for the Foundation can incite and motivate young people to move forward on their path to the CPA designation and cross the finish line, I will have accomplished my mission. I have been blessed by the profession; it is now my turn to give.
Louis-Philippe Carrière, FCPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscal 2023-2024)

The art of explaining your knowledge in non-technical terms

  • Michel Chénier, FCPA 
As a CPA, I have acquired wide-ranging knowledge and expertise. There is no question that this major asset has opened many doors for me. However, knowing how to explain what you know in general terms so that everyone can use that knowledge is the most important thing if you want to keep it alive for future generations. I hope with all my heart that my humble contribution encourages the next generation to think of others.
Michel Chénier, FCPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscal 2023-2024)

The power of a donation

  •  Tommy Choinière, CPA 
As a CPA, I feel it is important to encourage the next generation to excel. My donations to the Foundation and my involvement in activities with young people are my way of supporting them. Obtaining the CPA designation is an excellent gateway into the business world. Believing in our future CPAs opens the doors to an infinite world of opportunity for them!
Tommy Choinière, CPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscals 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

Proud of a designation that contributes so much, both personally and professionally

  • Brigitte Chartier, CPA 
Supporting the next generation of CPAs has always been a priority throughout my career. I am proud to have and use the CPA designation in both my personal and professional activities. I am grateful for the opportunities that this designation has given me and continues to give me. I support the Foundation so that young people can learn about all the benefits and opportunities that this widely recognized designation in the business world can offer them.
Brigitte Chartier, CPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscals 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

Giving to the Foundation to train tomorrow's leaders

  •  Yanick Gervais, CPA 
I am very appreciative of what my CPA training has given me in terms of tools and instincts that have made a real difference in the decision-making process throughout my career. Not to mention the leadership skills, and there is just no better foundation for someone who wants to exert influence and leave their mark on the business world. By supporting the CPA Foundation, I hope to inspire future generations to pursue their ambitions.
Yanick Gervais, CPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscal 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)


  • Louis-Marie Beaulieu 
Out of gratitude to a profession that has given me so much, including a very solid education outside the metropolitan areas, I feel it is now important to give back to society. Universities play an essential role in Quebec’s development; let's give our future generations a chance to go to university and enjoy an exciting career so that they can, in turn, give back to the community.
Louis-Marie Beaulieu, FCPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscals 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

Creating favourable conditions for success

  •  Guy Blanchette 
Education is the very foundation of society and CPAs have an important role to play in shaping tomorrow's world. It is important to create conditions that help anyone who wants to join the profession succeed in doing so. We must do everything we can so that determined candidates are not forced to give up their dream because they lack the financial resources. Out of gratitude for what the profession has given us, we can make a big difference by giving CPA candidates an opportunity to follow in our footsteps, even in hard times.
Guy Blanchette, FCPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors' Circle (fiscals 2020-2021, 2021-2022)

Boosting the potential of future CPAs: a collective responsibility

  • Alain Paris 
For a long time, I have had a keen interest in the CPA profession and in Quebec entrepreneurship; two fields that go hand in hand and that call for solid skills, as well as human values such as collaboration and mutual aid. It therefore seems to me essential for the future of our economy that we support, within our respective means, young talents from various backgrounds to help them reach their full potential.
Alain Paris, FCPA
GOLD category member
of the Mentors’ Circle (fiscal 2020-2021)
Testimonials from scholarship recipients
Read the testimonials of dozens of scholarship recipients who all say “thank you!"

Going back to school helped me find my way

  •  Laurie Gervais-Laliberté 
Accounting is a field that really inspires me! That is why I am so determined and dedicated to pursuing this path, which, it must be said, is quite demanding personally, emotionally and financially. I have dedicated myself to successfully overcoming this real challenge. In fact, receiving this scholarship makes me really proud of how far I have come and of the sacrifices I have had to make. I want to sincerely thank you for supporting students who show perseverance in their efforts to obtain the CPA designation.
Laurie Gervais-Laliberté
Assistance towards success scholarship

A major boost to reach my goals

Due to the financial instability I have experienced in my academic career, the scholarships I have received from the CPA Foundation have been a huge boost in helping me complete my qualifying courses with a solid grade point average. I have almost reached the end of the path: just two more terms to go at my university before I write the Common Final Examination! Your support motivates me and gives me the help I need to reach my goals.
Elhadji Ibrahima Fall
Université de Sherbrooke
Assistance towards success scholarship

Thank you for helping to build the future by investing in the next generation

  •  Régine Paul 
The path toward the CPA designation is long and arduous, but it shows us just how resilient we are. For me, the pandemic was one of the biggest obstacles in my path. Fortunately, my colleagues gave me pep talks to keep me going. Today, this scholarship makes me want to reach the finish line. I am proud to be part of an order that motivates and supports the next generation. Thank you generous donors; you make a huge difference!
Régine Paul
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

Vital support on my path toward the designation

This scholarship exemplifies the Foundation’s trust in foreign students who, perhaps like me, are fathers or mothers of a family, and who have begun the process of becoming a CPA, despite everything. Thanks to this financial assistance, I have grown from my academic experience and acquired skills and knowledge that are both practical and essential to my future as a professional. I am aware that this support is provided by CPAs who are devoted and committed to the profession and the Foundation, and that inspires me very much!
Amine Berrejeb
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

An act of generosity that I will always remember

  •  Lounes Mazari 
This scholarship means a lot to me. In addition to the financial relief that it brings my family and me, it recognizes the many years of efforts I have made to earn the required degrees. It gave me added motivation to keep working hard to pass my CFE in September. I cannot wait to join the ranks of the Quebec CPA Order as a member and contribute to the development of my community thanks to the added value of my CPA designation. My sincerest thanks to all donors for their support.
Lounes Mazari
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

Inspiring values

  • Catherine Enright 
I would like to thank the donors for their generosity. The CPA Foundation’s undergraduate scholarships reward future CPAs for their volunteer activities and, in doing so, acknowledge the importance of social involvement. These wonderful values inspire me to stay on the path toward the designation and keep doing community service. I am grateful for your support, which helps me focus on my studies. Thank you for your encouragement!
Catherine Enright
McGill University
Undergraduate scholarship

Acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills

  •  Alexi Demers 
I Thanks to your support, I have an opportunity to better prepare myself for my university career. This step is essential if I hope to successfully obtain the CPA designation and take full advantage of this unique experience. This scholarship gives me a chance to participate in advanced education programs and acquire invaluable knowledge and skills that will serve me throughout my life. Thank you so much for trusting me. I promise to do my best and to be a dedicated student, a competent future professional and a citizen involved in his community.
Alexi Demers
Cégep de Trois-Rivières
Admission scholarships towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

Grateful and proud!

  • Danika Legault 
I am particularly honoured to have been chosen for this scholarship in recognition of my excellent academic results and commitment to volunteering. This scholarship is a lot more to me than just a financial reward; it is a tangible mark of recognition for my efforts, my extra-curricular activities and my dedication to the CPA profession. I am truly touched!
Danika Legault
Undergraduate scholarship

Feeling proud and grateful

My goal from the moment I enrolled in accounting was to become an accountant and obtain the CPA designation. Thanks to the generosity of donors, many motivated students like me receive a scholarship that helps them cover some of the costs of their university studies, such as tuition and books.
Receiving a scholarship from the CPA Foundation makes me feel proud, because I can meet some of my needs and help my parents fund my university studies. I am also grateful to the donors for their support and I view this scholarship as encouragement to succeed in my studies.
Bleona Alloushi
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Admission scholarships towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

Motivation to reach my goals

  • Candace Ly 
Receiving this scholarship motivates me to continue on my career path. Your regard for my extracurricular activities and your confidence in me make me look forward to my future: becoming a CPA. I would like to thank the generous donors who fund this scholarship program.
Candace Ly
McGill University
Undergraduate scholarship

Helping students build their future and the career of their dreams

  •  Élisabeth Cormier 
I had to leave home at 17 so that I could study in a field I am passionate about, which is why your gesture is so inspiring to me. It shows me that even when the going gets tough, it is important to keep going. With the CFE right around the corner, thanks to you, I can take another step towards my goal.
I hope to use my sustainable development profile to provide personalized service to clients, such as by helping them work more sustainably, for example. Environmental problems require urgent attention and I believe that my knowledge in this field will set me apart in my career.
I hope to make you proud of helping students like me!
Élisabeth Cormier
FSA – Université Laval
Assistance towards success scholarship

Becoming a CPA: a huge challenge made easier thanks to your help!

  • Ophélie Poulin 
Since the beginning of my studies, I have tried to round out my academic experience by getting involved in student associations. This idea is what led me to become VP of Projects and Chair of the CPA Student Committee at my university. I am proud that I have been able to keep performing well academically in addition to my volunteer work. I am extremely grateful that you recognize all my efforts and the importance I give to my studies.
Ophélie Poulin
Université de Sherbrooke
Undergraduate scholarship

A light at the end of the tunnel

  •  Isabelle Chang 
The path to become a CPA can be long and arduous. I have thought about giving up many times, especially because it takes so much time and money to complete the training. Receiving financial support and encouragement to fulfill my potential has strengthened my desire to keep going. Thanks to your generosity, I no longer have to worry about how I will pay for my tuition in the short term. My life has had its share of challenges, starting from an early age. This gesture is a bright light at the end of a difficult path.
Isabelle Chang
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

All credit to you, generous donors!

  • Jérémy Picard 
In all my efforts to do volunteer work, maintain academic excellence and mentor young people, I often lose sight of why I am spending so much time on these activities. Your recognition has allowed me to see these investments in a different light and realize that we do some things out of passion, but also to help others advance. Thank you for your unfailing belief in us; I hope I can live up to your generosity!
Jérémy Picard
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Undergraduate scholarship

A touching example of resilience

Komlan Apégnon Ahokpe is the perfect example of the kinds of challenges faced by students who are trained abroad and choose to settle in Quebec to pursue their careers.
The CPA Foundation is proud to support this student as he works his way toward the CPA designation and would like to highlight his courage and determination.
Komlan Apégnon Ahokpe
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

Support that means a lot to me

  • Essenam Lossou 
I immigrated to Quebec from Africa in May 2015, leaving behind my spouse and my 2-year-old son. Thanks to the job I found, we were finally reunited in October 2016. Since then, I have worked hard to achieve my dream of becoming a CPA and your support has really helped me keep going. Thank you! I promise to make the necessary efforts to achieve my objective.
Essenam Lossou
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

A year marked by perseverance and resilience

  •  Hejer Gharbi 
As a full-time student in the CPA Professional Education Program and a mother of a five-year-old child and a baby born during the pandemic, I can assure you that the assistance given to me by the Foundation has really helped me during this difficult period where my spouse was also studying full time. Many thanks for your support, which encourages me to keep going and stay resilient to achieve my dream: become a CPA.
Hejer Gharbi
Assistance towards success scholarship

Happy and grateful for this essential support

  • Gabriel Ndongo-Seye 
I arrived in Quebec in 2016 and have studied full time since the summer of 2017 in the hopes of finishing my DESS in the summer 2020 session. Everything was going according to plan until the pandemic arrived, and I had to work at home with my spouse and 4 children aged 4 to 12. My stress level rose due to many unforeseen circumstances. That is why I am extremely grateful; the support given to me was crucial to continuing on my path toward the CPA designation.
Gabriel Ndongo Seye
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

promoting the cpa profession

  •  Felix Remillard 
Social involvement and the quality of my academic record have always been important to me. I had the opportunity to get involved this year in my university’s CPA committee and work on promoting the profession. Continuing to perform academically while participating in these activities was still a huge challenge during this busy year of my bachelor’s program. I feel fortunate that my efforts have been rewarded in this way. 
Félix Rémillard
HEC Montréal
Undergraduate scholarship

A scholarship that makes all the difference in my career

  • Nicolas gaudet 
It is gratifying to know that my efforts and results are recognized by the Foundation and the Order, which I hope to join someday. I would like to thank you for this substantial scholarship, which will definitely make a huge difference in my career going forward by helping me take a few more steps toward my goal of earning a degree in accounting. 
Nicolas Gaudet
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Undergraduate scholarship

Becoming a positive influence in society

  •  Andrew Hong 
I am thrilled that the dozens of hours I spent volunteering to help other students achieve success in accounting are being recognized. Encouraged by donors’ generosity, I will continue to work on being a positive influence in society and make our communities more welcoming and inclusive. I see my career as an opportunity to make a real impact in the world around me.
Andrew Hong
McGill University
Undergraduate scholarship

A precious gift

  • Florianne Baril 
I would like to thank you for this scholarship, which has allowed me to keep studying so that I can obtain my CPA designation. Scholarships are a precious gift and I am very grateful for them. If possible in the future, I would like to give back when I become a CPA. A huge thank you to all the donors: Your generosity is a source of inspiration and motivation.
Florianne Baril
École de gestion John Molson de l’Université Concordia 
Undergraduate scholarship

Inspiring generosity

  •  Dominic Laroche 
I was so happy when I learned that I had been selected for this scholarship! Not only has it helped me cover some of the costs of moving to Quebec City, but it will also allow me to reduce my work schedule during the most intensive period of my bachelor’s program. I am inspired by people like you, who encourage and help students reach their goals and I sincerely thank you for that.
Dominic Laroche
Cégep Régional de Lanaudière à L’Assomption
Admission scholarship towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

I am speechless!

  •  Jonathan Villeneuve 
Not only did this scholarship, my very first, come at the right time in my career, but it also offered me some respite from the very tough times my family and I have gone through these past few years, which has affected our financial situation. My sincerest thanks for this essential support and the relief it has provided!
Jonathan Villeneuve
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Assistance towards success scholarship

Some sacrifices are worth it

  •  Isabelle Thériault 
A doctorate is an undertaking that forces you to make difficult decisions and social and financial sacrifices. It takes time, discipline, perseverance, and a dedication to excellence. Receiving this recognition from my peers makes me feel proud and motivated to continue my efforts and increases my desire to conduct research that provides answers to current issues, especially those involved in the digital age. I thank you for this support.
Isabelle Thériault, CPA auditor
School of Management Sciences of the Université du Québec à Montréal
Doctoral scholarship

Succeeding at my studies while supporting my family: a real challenge!

  • Malick Gueye
Originally from Senegal, I obtained my permanent residency in March 2018 and decided to go back to school full time, even though I am currently the sole provider for my family's living expenses and the needs of my wife and two young children. This is definitely an ambitious challenge, but your support helps me face it with a greater sense of calm. Thank you for supporting me!
Malick Gueye
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

This is more than just financial support, it is a source of motivation

  •  François Sylvain Kamgue Ngankam 
The support I have received from the Foundation of Quebec CPAs means much more to me than just additional income that helps ease my financial worries: It drives me to work even harder to achieve my goals and join the prestigious CPA family. Thank you so much for your commitment to university students.
François Sylvain Kamgue Ngankam
Université de Sherbrooke
Assistance towards success scholarship

A scholarship that eases the financial and emotional burden

  •  Profil général
As a university student and mother of two young children suffering from delayed language, I can only thank the Foundation and its donors for announcing this scholarship a few days before Christmas. COVID-19 has caused my financial situation to deteriorate, which is why this scholarship is a true gift! This support eases the financial and emotional burden, and I can now better concentrate on my studies.
Piniwe Looky
HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

A seasoned scholarship winner

  •  Ariane Villemure 
One of the things that helped me focus more on my studies while participating in a variety of educational student activities was receiving scholarships from the Foundation of Quebec CPAs. These scholarships gave me peace of mind and helped me avoid getting into debt during my studies. I am truly grateful to the Foundation’s donors and partners who made that possible!
Ariane Villemure
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Recipient of several scholarships from the CPA Foundation and the Gold Medal for the highest standing in Quebec in the Common Final examination (CFE) of 2020

Being a CPA has been my goal since I started CEGEP!

  • Emilie Robitaille
I discovered my keen interest in accounting during the accounting and management technology program. Since then, my motivation has been to keep working and succeeding so that I can acquire the CPA designation. Honestly, I was quite worried about making the transition from CEGEP to university, because I knew that the tuition is much higher, but the financial assistance that you gave me really eased my concerns. Thank you for encouraging me to become a proud CPA!
Emilie Robitaille
Cégep de Saint-Jérôme
Admission scholarship towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

The path to the CPA designation: an enriching experience!

  •  Evan Hirschbach 
I am very grateful for the support I received from the Foundation of Quebec CPAs and its donors, and for the guidance and knowledge that my professors and lecturers have given me. I have met some amazing and inspiring people so far in my studies, and I am really looking forward to taking the next steps toward the CPA designation!
Evan Hirschbach
McGill University
Undergraduate scholarship

It is important to make higher education more accessible

  • Vanessa Larose-Desjardins
Education and knowledge are two of the most valuable resources that exist and thanks to the generosity of donors like you, these two resources are now within the reach of students from more modest backgrounds. Many thanks for your combined efforts and your collective desire to keep making higher education more accessible to everyone.
Vanessa Larose-Desjardins
National program – HEC Montréal
Assistance towards success scholarship

A designation that will help me start my own business!

  •  Yoan Pelletier 
As a student athlete, there are only so many hours I can work if I want to be able to fulfill my other obligations. Without enough income, I could not cover the cost of my future university studies, the move to Sherbrooke, and my living expenses. Your support has made my dream possible! Once I have the CPA designation in my pocket, I would very much like to start my own business.
Yoan Pelletier
Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe
Admission scholarships towards a recognized bachelor’s degree

An incentive to go even further

  •  Jean-Philippe Leger 
I would like to sincerely thank all the donors of the Foundation of Quebec CPAs who have supported me in my academic career and community service activities. I am extremely grateful for this valuable support. This scholarship is a very nice way to end my bachelor’s program and gives me an incentive to keep moving forward!
Jean-Philippe Léger
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Undergraduate scholarship
Testimonials from educators
Educators talk about the importance of giving. See what they have to say.

Financial assistance scholarships are helpful and appreciated

  • Nancy Michaud

Becoming a CPA is a process that requires a lot of time, energy and money. I notice that more and more students have parental responsibilities and must balance work, family and studies to reach their goal. The scholarships awarded by the CPA Foundation are a great way to show them that we encourage them to continue their projects. I am convinced that these future CPAs will make us proud later because we helped them during their academic careers.

Nancy Michaud, MBA, CPA

Professor, Assurance
Université du Québec à Rimouski

Your donations change the future of the next generation!

  • Lyne Rioux
I notice just how much of a difference the CPA Foundation scholarships make. This crucial financial support changes the lives of our students.
Lyne Rioux, M. Sc., CPA
Associate Professor
UQTR - Longueuil campus

Show your support and join in!