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News and publications

In this section, you will find all of the Order’s information and publications: news, CPA Newsletter and CPA Plus archives, briefs, media releases and much more. You will also find in this section the name of CPAs who received a distinction, were appointed to a new position, or were mentioned in the media. Do you have news to announce? Contact us by email at nomination@cpaquebec.ca.

* The news we receive about members are published in the language in which they were communicated to us.
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Apppointment • Jean-François Charette, CPA, CGA

Jean-François Charette, CPA, CGA, a été nommé vice-président et chef de la Direction financière, Communauto. Source : membre

Member news

Mention • Micheline Renault, CPA, CA

Micheline Renault, CPA, CA, a publié un volume intitulé « Affaires et Comptabilité 3.0 », les chiffres au cœur de l'innovation et du succès qui va tout à fait dans la tendance de l'évolution des entreprises et de la profession comptable. Source : membre

Member news