Become an Order partner
Let’s support
each other
Chartered Professional Accountant:
the one and only accounting designation in Quebec
The Quebec CPA Order has 41,000 members and 5,000 future CPAs, making it the 3rd largest professional order in Quebec. It represents all areas of expertise of the accounting profession at the service of enterprises, organizations and the general public.
In addition to our mission of effectively protecting the public, we support our members and promote the CPA profession.
Our values are collaboration, respect, excellence and living together.
A network of members
who hold decision-making positions at their organizations
CPAs are consumers of all types of goods and services. They have a great deal of influence on their friends, family, clients and employers.
Nearly equal ratio of women to men in the profession

The profession has both young professionals and a large pool of experienced professionals
26% work in public practice

Average annual compensation of $125,000

About 1 in 10 CPAs owns a company

63% work in industry and in the public sector
plenty of opportunities
to become a partner of the Order
As a partner of the Order, you have an opportunity to reach not only Quebec CPAs, but also business professionals and the next generation. Each partnership category targets and connects with different audiences through events and visibility on our communications platforms.
Provincial partner
Reach the entire CPA community in Quebec Find out more >Regional partner
For visibility with CPAs in the 11 regional groups of Quebec Find out more >Future CPA partner
Connect with future CPAs Find out more >Grands Rendez-vous CPA partner
Reach CPAs in a professional development context Find out more >Preferential Rates partner
Offer discounts to CPAs on products and services Find out more >Vitrine CPA partner
Meet the business needs of CPAs who practice the profession Find out more >You can also reach cpas
as a:
Training partner
Find out more (in French only) >
Partner of the Foundation of Quebec CPAs
Find out more >
Emploi CPA partner
Find out more >
CPAs Without Borders partner
Find out more >
The Order is a non-profit organization that may seek to enter into financial partnerships for the purpose of obtaining external sources of funding for some its activities. It has developed its Partnership agreement guideline (in French only) with the goal of setting directions that will allow it to make objective, rigorous and transparent decisions about all partnership requests. Requests for partnership with the Order and CPA groups are therefore subject to this guideline and an internal evaluation grid. A partnership with the Order does not in any way constitute recognition or endorsement by the Order of the organization's products and services or the organization itself.
As a general rule, the Order and CPA groups may not have partners that are:- organizations that compete with the Order’s Major Partners, according to the terms and conditions set out in their service offering or partnership agreement:
- the banking sector, including payroll services and brokerages
- the insurance sector - foundations dedicated to social causes
- universities and other academic organizations
- products or services related to professional activities that are reserved for CPAs
- accounting firms (except for events and activities that offer content or events intended for future CPAs)