Future CPA partner
the best way to reach
future cpas
Rassemblement ANNUEL des futur(e)s CPA (annual meeting of future CPAs) – 250 participants
With this partnership, you enjoy visibility during the Rassemblement annuel des futur(e)s CPA event, which includes presentations, a panel discussion and stands manned by employers (hall of opportunities). Accounting students from across the province are invited to this event to instill in them a strong feeling of belonging to the CPA profession.Coffee break
- Two registrations for the event
- Company mentioned in the acknowledgements during the event
- Company logo on screens during the event
- A door prize may be presented on stage
- Small posters promoting the partner in the coffee break area
- Partner’s banner in the coffee break area
Web and social media
- Logo and hypertext link on the event web page

Reach undergraduate students and candidates for the practice of the CPA profession

Hall of Opportunities (employer stands)
- Stand in the hall of opportunities (2 representatives)
- Company mentioned in the acknowledgements during the event
- Company logo on screens and posters
Web and social media
- Company logo and company mentioned on social media
- Logo and hypertext link on the event web page

Reach undergraduate students and candidates for the practice of the CPA profession

Professional photos
- Two registrations for the event
- Company mentioned in the acknowledgements during the event
- Corporate logo on screens
- Partner's banner in the professional photo area
- A door prize may be presented on stage
Web and social media
Logo and hypertext link on the event web page

Reach undergraduate students and candidates for the practice of the CPA profession

Energy partner
This partnership gives you combined visibility during the Rassemblement des futur(s) CPA and the Gala de la relève events.
- Two registrations for each event
- Organization’s logo or video on the charging station available at the events
- Partner mentioned at the start and end of the events
- Company logo on screens
- Door prize may be drawn on stage at the Rassemblement des futur(s) CPA event

Reach undergraduate students and candidates for the practice of the CPA profession

Gala de la relève (gala for student committees) - 150 participants
With this partnership, you enjoy visibility during the Gala de la relève, a dinner gala designed to celebrate our ambitious and committed CPA student committees across the province. A review of the last year will be provided and awards will be given to student committees that have excelled the most in their efforts to promote the profession on their campus.Presenter of the Gala de la relève
- Two registrations for the event
- Presentation of an award on stage
- Partner mentioned at the start and end of the Gala
- Partner’s banner at check-in
- Company logo on screens
- Logo on the menus
Web and social media
- Logo and hypertext link on the Gala de la relève event web page
- Company logo and company mentioned on social media
- Logo on the registration form

Reach undergraduate accounting students

- Two registrations for the event
- Partner mentioned at the start and end of the Gala
- Company logo on screens
- Partner’s logo on the photos taken by participants in the photo area.

Reach undergraduate accounting students

Energy partner
This partnership gives you combined visibility during the Rassemblement des futur(s) CPA and the Gala de la relève events.
- Two registrations for each event
- Organization’s logo or video on the charging station available at the events
- Partner mentioned at the start and end of the events
- Company logo on screens
- Door prize may be drawn on stage at the Rassemblement des futur(s) CPA event

Reach undergraduate accounting students