Grands Rendez-vous CPA partner
the best way to reach
cpas in a professional development context
With this partnership, you enjoy visibility during one edition of these major annual events of the profession. The Grands Rendez-vous CPA events offer a multidisciplinary program that covers a wide range of topics affecting CPAs. While they are intended to be experiential and focused on current major trends and knowledge sharing, they also set aside time for networking between CPAs, guest speakers and the Order’s representatives.
- Two registrations for the event
- Partner’s name associated with the GRV title (presented by)
- Speech during the event in person or recorded in a video (2 minutes maximum)
- Logo on screens during the event
- Partner mentioned by the moderator at the start and end of the event
- Partner’s banner at the event check-in
- A promotional item may be distributed in the event room (optional, chosen item must be approved by the Order)
- Partner's stand (partner provides its own material)
- Partner's logo or partner mentioned in the promotional material provided in our newsletters
- Partner's logo or partner mentioned on the VIVO site
- Partner mentioned in the Order’s social media
- Partner's logo and hyperlink to the partner’s site on the event platform

Reach members and candidates for the profession

With this partnership, you enjoy visibility during one edition of these major annual events of the profession. The Grands Rendez-vous CPA events offer a multidisciplinary program that covers a wide range of topics affecting CPAs. While they are intended to be experiential and focused on current major trends and knowledge sharing, they also set aside time for networking between CPAs, guest speakers and the Order’s representatives.EVENTS
- Two registrations for the event
- Logo on screens during the event
- Partner mentioned by the moderator before the lunch break
- Lunch partner mentioned in the “schedule for the day”
- Partner’s banner at the entrance to the lunch area
- Logo on table displays in the lunch area
- A promotional item may be distributed in the lunch area (optional, chosen item must be approved by the Order)
- Partner's stand (partner provides its own material)
- Partner’s logo and hyperlink to the partner’s site on the event platform

Reach members and candidates for the profession