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Board of directors

The Board of directors exercises all the rights, powers and prerogatives of the Order and sees to the application of the Professional Code, the Chartered Professional Accountants Act and the related regulations. The Board of directors' composition and electoral procedures are also governed by the Professional Code, the Chartered Professional Accountants Act and the related regulations. 

The Board of directors is made up of 15 members, i.e. 4 directors appointed by the Office des professions and 11 directors elected by members of the Order. The Chair of the Order is elected for a two-year term. The Board of directors appoints an executive committee to which it delegates certain powers, as provided for by the Professional Code.


  • Mario Gariepy
    Mario Gariépy, FCPA


  • François Filion
    François Filion, FCPA, CPA●EJC


  • Rosemary Capparelli
    Rosemary Capparelli, CPA
  • Cynthia De Champlain
    Cynthia De Champlain, CPA
  • Geneviève Foster
    Geneviève Foster

    Appointed by Office des professions

  • Yves Hébert
    Yves Hébert

    Appointed by Office des professions

  • Simon Hupé, CPA auditeur


  • Hasnaa Kadiri
    Hasnaa Kadiri

    Appointed by Office des professions



  • Yves Hébert
    W. Robert Laurier, FCPA auditeur


  • Jacques Martinette
    Jacques Martinette

    Appointed by Office des professions

  • Jessica Paul, CPA auditrice
    Jessica Paul, CPA auditrice


  • Isabelle Renaud
    Isabelle Renaud, CPA auditrice

  • Martine Rouleau, CPA
  • Christine Roy, CPA auditrice
    Christine Roy, CPA auditrice


  • Claude Thibault
    Claude Thibault, CPA


Credit for the photos of Mario Gariépy and Christine Roy: Agence de photographie Maxime Juneau

Former chairs of the Order

  • 2018-2021 : Nathalie Houle, FCPA, FCMA
  • 2016-2018: André Dugal, FCPA auditor, FCA
  • 2014-2016: Alain Dugal, FCPA, FCA
  • 2012-2014: Stephan Robitaille, FCPA, FCGA † 


The Code of ethics for the members of the Board of directors (in French only)  provides a framework for the directors of the Order, whether they were elected by members or appointed by the Office des professions du Québec in accordance with the Professional Code. Any person who has reasonable grounds to believe that a member of the Order’s Board of directors has violated the standards of ethics and professional conduct applicable to directors may inform the Committee of inquiry in ethics and professional conduct by completing this form [PDF].

The terms of reference of the Committee of inquiry in ethics and professional conduct are to assist the Board of directors in fulfilling its regulatory obligations relating to compliance with the standards of ethics and professional conduct applicable to directors.

The committee is entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  • Implement an internal bylaw (in French only) to address complaints. The bylaw must be made available to the public on the Order’s website and published in its annual report;
  • Examine and inquire into any information received about a director’s violation of the standards of ethics and professional conduct, make recommendations to the board and, where applicable, determine the appropriate penalty in accordance with the Regulation respecting the standards of ethics and professional conduct of directors on the board of directors of a professional order
  • Upon summary examination, dismiss any disclosure of a director’s violation if, in the committee’s opinion, it is abusive, frivolous or clearly unfounded;
  • Recommend, where appropriate, preventive measures or mechanisms to mitigate the risks of certain situations occurring again in the future.

The committee takes action with the board as needed. Where the committee comes to the conclusion that the director under inquiry has violated the standards of ethics and professional conduct applicable to the director, the committee sends without delay a written report to the board containing a summary of the inquiry and a substantiated recommendation for penalty and the entire record and documents.