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Management committee

    Geneviève Mottard, CPA

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    Mélanie Charbonneau, CPA auditor

    Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial and Operating Officer

    Stéphanie Vallée, Lawyer

    Secretary of the Order and Vice-President, Legal and Government Affairs

    Jasmine Marcoux, CPA auditor

    Vice-President, Qualification

    Lyne Lortie

    Vice-President, Communications, Brand Management and Social Responsibility

    Geneviève Beauchemin, CPA auditor

    Vice-President, Stewardship of the Profession

    Julie Péloquin, CPA

    Vice-President, Outreach and Visibility

    Josée Blanchard, CPA

    Vice-President, Information Technology and Systems

    Josée Mélançon, CPA


    Valérie Girard, CRHA

    Director, Human Resources

Photo credit: Caroline Perron