Michael Frankel – Récipiendaire 2014
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Michael Frankel, FCPA, FCA
2014 recipient of the title of FCPA
Michael Frankel understands the environment, risks and issues faced by driven entrepreneurs who want to succeed in a highly competitive market and see their company grow nationally and internationally. His consulting experience allows him to provide sound advice on daily operations, strategic planning, acquisitions and divestitures, financing and refinancing, international expansion, global market analyses and succession planning.
Parallel to his professional activities, Michael Frankel has always devoted time and energy to philanthropic organizations in the Montreal Jewish community. He has been a longstanding board member of the Federation CJA, serving as its Treasurer and Vice President as well as the Chairman of the Community Planning and Allocations Committee. He is currently a special advisor for strategic issues. As President of the Bronfman Jewish Education Centre, he developed its strategic plan and made accountability one of its focuses.
In all of these roles, Michael Frankel has displayed intelligence, wisdom, business acumen and unrelenting determination in reaching his goals. He is well respected for his continued and committed involvement in his community, which are the same qualities that make him a valued member of the Order.
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