Hiring a CPA for my personal finances
Do you do your own bookkeeping and see tax season as a burden, or have doubts about whether the person who does your taxes is helping you increase your earning potential? Are you looking for a reliable professional to analyze your personal financial data or help you carry out a specific plan?
Whenever you hire a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), you can be sure that you are working with an independent expert. In prosperous times and in times of hardship, you can count on your CPA’s expertise to take your finances to the next level.

What sets CPAs apart from accountants?
Not only are CPAs supervised by a professional order, but they also have to fulfill specific requirements throughout their careers. As Quebec’s one and only accounting credential, the CPA designation is globally recognized and synonymous with quality and reliability.

Why choose a CPA?
The expertise possessed by CPAs goes well beyond traditional accounting and tax returns. Just how much can a CPA help you achieve your full financial potential and make a difference in your finances and plans? You might be surprised!

How to choose the right CPA?
CPAs are active in all sectors of the economy and have wide-ranging areas of expertise. That is why it is important to take the time to find the right CPA to assist and advise you.

How much do CPAs charge for their services?
When you invest in a CPA’s expertise, you invest in your peace of mind. But how much does it cost to use their services? Your needs and the degree of the CPA's involvement in meeting them are factors that help determine the cost.

What can a CPA do for me?
There are many instances where CPAs are the perfect professionals to help you. Here is an overview of situations where you would be wise to use their services.Co-ownership management >
Mediation for small claims >
Personal tax >