Practical experience

Overview of CPA practical experience

The period of practical experience is a crucial step in the process of acquiring the CPA designation. With this in mind, we have compiled below a wealth of information that candidates should know.

• What is CPA practical experience?
• Mentorship and supervision of candidates
• CPA competencies to acquire 
• Requirements for becoming a CPA auditor 
Practical experience outside Quebec 
List of helpful resources
• Administrative terms and conditions (in French only) [PDF]
• Law for the protection of trainees

Declarations and forms to fill out

From the moment you register with the Order and begin your CPA Professional Education program (PEP) until you complete your period of practical experience, you will need to fill out a number of forms and declare certain information. In addition, once you have passed your CFE and completed your period of practical experience, you will need to apply for your permit.

• What to declare and when?
• Declaring practical experience acquired before the PEP
• Declaring the start of a period
• Preparing a practical experience report
• Declaring the end of a period
• Applying for the CPA permit